Welcome to Class 6 – Year 2.
-Children will enter school in a morning via the classroom door. After they have put their belongings away, they will order their lunch and develop their Maths skills by completing 4 number sentences each morning.
-English: We use a Focus Text each half term to drive our learning. These books consists of a range of fiction and non-fiction books. We use a variety of teaching methods to keep children engaged in their learning and help develop their handwriting, spelling and composition skills.
-Maths: We try to keep our Maths lessons as practical as possible, helping children develop a good understanding of tricky concepts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, shape, time and fractions.
-Read Write Inc: Children will be grouped with other children with a similar reading ability. They will spend time learning new sounds, word reading and speed reading. Also they will use lots of partner work to develop their comprehension skills and talk for writing strategies.
Our afternoon sessions are typically when we look at the wider curriculum including History, Geography, Science, Computing, RSHE.
Class 6 – PE Days are Wednesday and Friday.
Children will receive 3 books each week. 1 book at their current Read Write Inc level and 1 that is matched to sounds covered. They will also be given the opportunity to attend the library and choose a book to share with adults at home.
Reading is one of the most important skills that children achieve at school. To help support with this, home reading is expected at least 4 times a week. This doesn’t need to be a full book each night it can be a few pages each night. Then the diary must be signed so we know that this has happened.
Spellings – Each child will receive spellings each week. The children will need to practice these at home and we will also practice them in school. The test is done on a Friday but is done with a partner with the opportunity to talk through mistakes. A score will not be given to the children or shared with parents.
Reading – Reading should also be completed at least 4 times a week
Snack Money – £2 a week for pancake and juice. To be paid on a Monday in an envelope with child’s name clearly written on.
We are sure that you will have a fantastic time in Year 1 and we will have so much fun!
Mrs Partington
Performance Measures